3 startups for sustainability born from young Swiss minds


Good ideas often come from young creative minds. We will tell you about 3 developed in Switzerland, in a place that favors its realization. L’innovation that looks to a sustainable future often arises from the preparation and enthusiasm of young entrepreneurs who come together to give substance to brilliant ideas. […]

Three Excel tricks that save you 2 hours of work


As with the Microsoft text editor, Word, for example, the spreadsheet program Excel is one of the most widely used in the world. It is an application that is part of the popular Microsoft Office Suite and that allows us to work mainly with numerical data. It is worth mentioning […]

Dow Jones recovery ended: Rising oil price fuels fears of inflation


Dow Jones recovery ended Rising oil prices fuel fears of inflation 06/08/2022, 11:00 p.m Investors are awaiting clear directional signals that inflation is slowing down. But rising energy prices continue to worry them. Trading apps like Robinhood fear for their business model because the US Securities and Exchange Commission wants […]

The era of smart pools is here


Cover of the FITNESSGYM section of the digital magazine CMDsport, number 452, and pages that are included in this edition in the aforementioned section. (31-8-2022). The Valencian startup, Zonyx, has developed a solution, Nagi Smartpool, which offers data that will transform the experience and management of swimming pools and beaches […]