Ces 2022, technological progress to combat climate change


Three out of four respondents worldwide see technological progress as the key to fighting climate change. This is what emerged from the Bosch Tech Compass survey presented at Ces 2022. Human beings generally respond with distrust to change. Changing people’s habits, even when the novelty brings obvious advantages, tends to […]

Because Israel attacked the Gaza Strip, killing 44 people


Israel’s military operation in the Gaza Strip resulted in 44 deaths, including 15 children. 360 people were injured and more than 1,600 houses destroyed. On Sunday 7 August at 23:30 local time, the ceasefire, mediated by Egypt, came into force, which temporarily put an end to the operation Breaking dawn, […]

Analysts say there is a chance of record deflation in Q3


The exemptions promoted by the government and the cuts in gasoline prices announced by Petrobras may cause the IPCA to register in this third quarter the biggest quarterly deflation since the Real Plan. After two straight months of falling prices, in July and August, economists consulted by Broadcast now monitor […]