Forget Ubuntu Forever, Try These 5 Easiest Linux


It is true that not everyone has the necessary knowledge to take full advantage and advantages that these open source operating systems offer us. However, the developers of most of these distributions try to make things easy for their clients and users in order to attract them to their projects. […]

6 secrets of Google Chrome that surely you do not know


It goes without saying that this allows us to access the universe of the internet, with all its web pages and online applications. In addition, the search giant is already in charge of integrating, over time, new functions and features that improve the experience with the program. These focus on […]

Avoid chaos on Discord with these 5 basic tricks


Actually, here we find a platform that allows us to interact through the Internet with users from all over the world while we play or carry out other tasks. All this thanks to the functions that it provides us by default. Of course, we must bear in mind that the […]

your website will soon be like this


This means that for years we have known more than enough about the portal that acts as the most powerful search engine in the world and that we use on a daily basis. In addition to all the potential that it offers us regarding its internal operation to locate content […]