Here we can find a huge number of songs and singers belonging to all kinds of musical genres. In addition, we can enjoy all this both from our mobile device as from the desktop. In the beginning, it is enough for us to register in the streaming platform as such […]
Government aid could boost retail in coming months, analysts say
Even with the news that retail sales in Brazil in July fell by 0.8% compared to June – as disclosed by the IBGE this Wednesday (14) – which represented the third consecutive monthly decline, analysts expect fiscal stimulus measures, such as the release of new installments of Auxílio Brasil, may […]
Athletes from the Etenon Fitness team will be at Arnold Festival Europe
The seven athletes of the Etenon Fitness team that will be at the brand’s stand during the Arnold Festival Europe in Seville. (14-9-2022). The athletes of the Etenon Fitness team will be present at the Arnold Festival Europe that takes place from September 16 to 18 in Seville. The Jaén […]
Sony FX3: A “Film” Camera
We know that we have a large community of readers, more videographers than photographers, so today we bring a camera designed for them, it is the Sony FX3. Do you want to know it and know why it is a film camera? INSIDE THIS ARTICLE… 📖 The Sony FX3 is […]
With the concept maps of Algor Maps, studying becomes easier. Also for students with DSA
Thanks to artificial intelligence, Algor Maps allows you to create concept maps, offering targeted support in the event of learning disabilities. Almost 300,000 students in Italian schools have a diagnosis of DSA (specific learning disorders). Concept maps are very effective study tools, but they require support and skills. Algor Maps […]
Gig free! All the ways to get space on OneDrive without paying
As a general rule these remote storage platforms to which we refer, in principle they offer us a free modality. This is usually given by a fixed amount of space that we have at our disposal on their servers. Later if we need to increase it, that is when we […]