4 Types of Trading


There are four main types of trading, all requiring varying degrees of patience. We will discuss intraday trading, swing trading, positional trading, and scaling. Each one focuses on a particular strategy that varies from one person to another. For more detailed information, read our article on the fundamentals of each. […]

Download Free Videos in 2022

Anyone who works in a minimally creative profession will experience the need, sooner or later, to use the video format in their creative work. At first you consider turning on the camera and recording yourself, but you soon realize the difficulties that this entails. Fortunately, there are “shortcuts” with which […]

Supera aims to grow to 37 million in 2022

Centros Supera continues to talk with the Valencia City Council to resolve the future of the Ayora and Abastos municipal swimming pools (15-7-2022) Centros Supera points to sales growth close to 30% this 2022. The Sidecu gym chain expects to exceed 37 million euros after turning 28 in 2021. The […]

The Pros and Cons of Social Trading


Social trading is a type of online investment that allows traders to mimic the behavior of experts and peers. The primary goal is to copy, mirror, or follow the investment strategies of others. This technique has numerous benefits for both traders and investors. This article will discuss the pros and […]