La Grupetta increased its sales by 16% in 2021


The La Grupetta store in the Madrid town of Alcobendas has 430 square meters. (29-9-2022). The limited company La Grupetta Store Bikes invoiced last 2021, a total of 2.19 million euros, as recorded in the commercial register. The figure represented an increase of 15.70%, in relation to the sales figure […]

Pearl Izumi’s new owners initiate downsizing plan


AWARD-WINNING HEADQUARTERS FOR SALE? Various sources maintain that USB intends to sell the award-winning headquarters of Pearl Izumi in Colorado to obtain liquidity. (28-9-2022). United Sports Brands, which bought Pearl Izumi from Shimano last May, has initiated a workforce reduction plan whose ultimate goal would be, according to certain sources, […]

NASA’s spacecraft hits the asteroid Dimorphos


The asteroid posed no risk to the Earth. This is a test to avoid possible asteroid impacts with our planet in the future. The NASA Dart probe hit the asteroid Dimorphos to change its path. The asteroid posed no risk to Earth. It was a test to understand how to […]