Can You Swear on Twitch?


Whether you are just playing on the internet or live streaming on Twitch, it is important to know the rules of what you can and cannot do while you are streaming. Some examples of things you can’t do include swearing, smoking weed, drinking alcohol, and using a headset. Smoking weed […]

How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Steam


Whether you play on Steam, Snapchat, or just want to see if someone is blocked in any way, there are several ways to find out. Search for a blocked user on Snapchat Whether you’re trying to figure out if someone is blocked on Facebook or you’re wondering how to tell […]

DarkRP Console Commands


Using darkrp console commands can be a very handy tool for gaining control over your game. For example, you can use these console commands to increase your in-game income, limit your team to a specified amount of players, and more. rp_physgun Using DarkRP console commands is an easy way to […]

Catjam Meaning on Twitch


Whenever you see the word catjam, it means that you have to pay close attention to what you’re doing. This is especially true when you’re in a catjam and your teammates are sabotaging you. There are some tips that can help you to get out of this situation as quickly […]